Leetcode 934最短橋樑與DFS BFS深廣優先搜尋演算C++解答。這是Leetcode在週日的題目,水中有兩島,要搭最短的橋。雖然標示中級,但如同其他週末的題目是較難的,要解這個問題,可先分成兩個步驟:1.用DFS或BFS找出一島嶼。2.以島嶼為基礎以BFS法往外擴,一直到觸及到另一島嶼。
Leetcode 934 "Shortest Bridge" C++ Solution with Depth-First and Breadth-First Search Algorithms.
This is a problem from Leetcode on Sunday. There are two islands in the water, and we need to build the shortest bridge between them. Although it is labeled as medium, like other weekend problems, it is relatively challenging. To solve this problem, we can divide it into two steps: 1. Use DFS or BFS to find one of the islands. 2. Based on the island, use BFS to expand outward until reaching the other island.
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