DFS C++解Leetcode 1376 Time Needed to Inform All Employees 一家公司的每個員工都有一個獨特的ID,從0到n-1。負責人是headID的那位, manager[headID] = -1。manager[i]表示員工i的直接經理,員工i需要花費informTime[i]分鐘來通知他的直接下屬,通知所有員工所需的時間?
A company's employee structure, each employee has a unique ID, from 0 to n-1. The head of the company is the one with the headID. manager[i] indicates the direct manager of employee i, manager[headID] = -1. Employee i takes informTime[i] minutes to inform his direct reports, how long does it take to inform all employees about the news?
class Solution { public: vector<vector<int>> adj; // Adjacency list to represent the organizational hierarchy // Function to initialize the adjacency list void adj_ini(int n, vector<int>& manager){ adj.resize(n); // Resize the adjacency list to accommodate 'n' vertices for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){ int x = manager[i];//manager 'x' is the parent node if (x != -1) //i!=headID is special adj[x].push_back(i); // Add 'i' as a direct report of manager 'x' } } int timeNeed = 0; // Variable to store the maximum time needed to inform all employees // Depth-First Search (DFS) to calculate the maximum time needed void dfs(int i, int time, vector<int>& informTime){ timeNeed = max(timeNeed, time); // Update the maximum time needed for(auto v: adj[i]) dfs(v, time + informTime[i], informTime); // Recursive call for each direct report of employee 'i' } // Function to calculate the total time needed to inform all employees int numOfMinutes(int n, int headID, vector<int>& manager, vector<int>& informTime){ adj_ini(n, manager); // Initialize the adjacency list dfs(headID, 0, informTime); // Perform DFS starting from the headID (tree root) return timeNeed; // Return the maximum time needed } };
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