C++拓樸排序Kahn演算與DFS解Leetcode難題1203 Sort Items by Groups Respecting Dependencies
孤立項目本身就是一個群組。建立相鄰清單。將入度為0的頂點 i 推入佇列 q 中。使用迴圈,直到佇列 q 為空,並在迭代相鄰清單時將 --deg[y]=0 的頂點推入 q 中。檢查是否還有一些頂點的deg大於0。
第二種方法在訪問頂點 i 時使用深度優先搜索,將 deg[i]=-1 標記
[codes on Leetcode]https://leetcode.com/problems/sort-items-by-groups-respecting-dependencies/solutions/3933825/c-using-bfs-kahn-s-algorithm-vs-dfs-beats-97-67/
Kahn's Algorithm is BFS method by removing the edges and decreasing the indegrees.
Isolated item is a group by itself
Build the adjacent lists
Push vertices i's with deg[i]=0 into the queue q
Using while loop until the q is empty and iterate the the adjacent lists push into q when --deg[y]=0
Check whether there is some vertex left with deg greater than 0
2nd Approach uses DFS when the vertex i is visited mark deg[i]=-1
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