
2024年1月27日 星期六

C++ python Mahonian三角四項遞迴公式解Leetcode難題629 K Inverse Pairs Array

C++ python Mahonian三角四項遞迴公式解Leetcode難題629  K Inverse Pairs Array
Fact 1 is for better writing f(n, k)=\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}f(n-1, k-j)
Leetcode 629. K Inverse Pairs Array解這類的Leetcode難題,先導一導數學式,原先已知有個n項的遞迴公式,雖然可以直接用+DP,但就是慢。有幾招,一招試看能不能用prefix sum,或者先做數學,簡化公式為四項遞迴+DP動態規劃,如此O(nk)解就能完成。
It is known that there is a recursive formula with n terms. Although +DP can be used directly, it is slow. There are a few tricks. One way is to try to see if you can use prefix sum, or do some math first and simplify the formula into four-term recursion + dynamic programming, so that the O(nk) solution can be completed.



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