
2024年2月3日 星期六

Python C++ dp動態規劃解Leetcode 1043 Partition Array for Maximum Sum

Python C++ dp動態規劃解Leetcode 1043  Partition Array for Maximum Sum
dp[i]=max(ans, dp[i-j]+j*maxA)  for j in  [1...min(i, j)]
它是 k+1 項遞迴,這意味著遞迴公式中最多有 k+1 個連續項。 所以為了節省空間,可以改為
dp[i%k]=max(ans, dp[(i-j)%k]+j*maxA) for j in  [1...min(i, j)]
If you look at the recurrence
dp[i]=max(ans, dp[i-j]+j*maxA) for j in [1...min(i, j)]
It is a k+1-term recurrence which means there are at most k+1 successive terms in the recurrence formula. So for space saving, it might be changed into
dp[i%k]=max(ans, dp[(i-j)%k]+j*maxA) for j in [1...min(i, j)]

arr=[1,4,1,5,7,3,6,1,9,9,3], k=4

maxA=1 at index=0 , dp[1]=1
maxA=4 at index=1 , dp[2]=8
maxA=4 at index=1 , dp[3]=12
maxA=5 at index=3 , dp[4]=20
maxA=7 at index=4 , dp[5]=29
maxA=7 at index=4 , dp[6]=36
maxA=7 at index=4 , dp[7]=42
maxA=7 at index=4 , dp[8]=48
maxA=9 at index=8 , dp[9]=65
maxA=9 at index=8 , dp[10]=74
maxA=9 at index=8 , dp[11]=83



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