python C++速解Leetcode 1945 Sum of Digits of String After Convert
[Python code請進]
This is an easy question with some tricks.
The first conversion does not need to use a bigINT to hold, but just add the digits to the number in the 1st round.
Since s.length may be 100 at most, it's very inefficient to use bigInt or other string.
class Solution: def getLucky(self, s: str, k: int) -> int: num=0 for c in s: x=ord(c)-96 q,r =divmod(x, 10) num+=q+r k-=1 x=num for _ in range(k, 0, -1): num=0 while x>0: q,r =divmod(x, 10) num+=r x=q x=num if x<10:break return num
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