C++ UnionFind解難題Leetcdoe 827 Making A Large Island
嘗試UnionFind解決。由於該題目透過最多翻轉 1 個額外的 0 單元來詢問最大島嶼的大小;使用Size優化而不是rank。
Try UnionFind to solve. Since the question asks the size of the largest island by flipping at most 1 extra 0-cell; the Size -optimization is used instead of rank.
[codes on Leetcode]https://leetcode.com/problems/making-a-large-island/solutions/6350236/unionfind-with-size-member-vs-dfs-vs-bfs-39ms-beats-99-53/
[Tree/Graph playlist]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bna7aw7dkPY&list=PLYRlUBnWnd5Kt0-3un43cwY6yT_il8NWe
class UnionFind: def __init__(self, N): self.root = list(range(N)) self.Size = [1]*N def Find(self, x): if self.root[x] != x: self.root[x] = self.Find(self.root[x]) # path compression return self.root[x] def Union(self, x, y): x = self.Find(x) y = self.Find(y) if x==y: return False if self.Size[x] > self.Size[y]: self.Size[x] += self.Size[y] self.root[y]=x else: self.Size[y] += self.Size[x] self.root[x]=y return True class Solution: def largestIsland(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int: n=len(grid) N=n*n d=(0, 1, 0, -1, 0) def inside(i, j): return 0<=i<n and 0<=j<n def idx(i, j): return i*n+j G=UnionFind(N) maxSz=1 for i, row in enumerate(grid): for j, x in enumerate(row): if x==1: a=idx(i, j) D=grid[i+1][j] if i<n-1 else 0 R=grid[i][j+1] if j<n-1 else 0 if D>0: b=a+n if G.Union(a, b): maxSz=max(maxSz, G.Size[G.Find(a)]) if R>0: b=a+1 if G.Union(a, b): maxSz=max(maxSz, G.Size[G.Find(a)]) for i, row in enumerate(grid): for j, x in enumerate(row): if x==0: component=set() for a in range(4): r, s=i+d[a], j+d[a+1] if inside(r, s) and grid[r][s]==1: component.add(G.Find(idx(r, s))) if len(component)==0: continue sz=1+sum(G.Size[c] for c in component) maxSz=max(maxSz, sz) return maxSz
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