2023年6月30日 星期五
BFS Minheap waterway solves #Leetcode 1970 Last Day Where You Can Still ...
BFS最小堆水路解Leetcode 1970 "最後一天你仍然可以穿越"的隨機測試案例。 使用C++/OpenCV將解方視覺化。核心想法是找到從第1欄到第col欄的連通水路。水路要用8個方向才可切斷陸路。BFS使用優先佇列是關鍵點。 為了優化效能並避免大型輸入資料導致超時(TLE)問題,程式碼使用了unordered_map和unordered_set資料結構,並使用自定義的雜湊函式。
BFS Minheap waterway solves Leetcode 1970 Last Day Where You Can Still Cross random testcase. Using C++/opencv visualizes the solution. The idea is to find a connected waterway from column 1 to column col. A waterway has 8 directions to cut off the landway. BSF using priority queue is the key point. To optimize performance and prevent TLE issues with large input data, the code uses unordered_map and unordered_set data structures with a custom hash function.
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