C++/Python DP動態規劃與bit遮罩解Leetcode 2305公平分餅乾 Fair Distribution of Cookies 程式中使用了具有備忘錄的動態規劃。透過考慮每個袋子中不同子集的餅乾,程式遞迴地計算最小的不公平度。它使用位元運算來進行最佳化計算,並將結果存儲在二維陣列中。主要函數初始化陣列,開始遞迴計算,並返回最小的不公平度。程式旨在將餅乾均勻分配給孩子,同時最小化所獲餅乾數量之差異。
It uses dynamic programming with memoization. The code recursively calculates the minimum unfairness by considering different subsets of cookies in each bag. It optimizes the calculations by using bitwise operations and stores the results in a 2D array. The main function initializes the array, starts the recursive calculation, and returns the minimum unfairness. The code aims to distribute the cookies evenly among the children while minimizing the difference in the number of cookies received.
It uses dynamic programming with memoization. The code recursively calculates the minimum unfairness by considering different subsets of cookies in each bag. It optimizes the calculations by using bitwise operations and stores the results in a 2D array. The main function initializes the array, starts the recursive calculation, and returns the minimum unfairness. The code aims to distribute the cookies evenly among the children while minimizing the difference in the number of cookies received.
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