Python CPP heap priority queue速解L eetcode 2530. Maximal Score After Applying K Operations
heap/priority queue是重要的資料結構,無論是C++的std::priority_queue或是python的heapq都可以拿來練習這題用貪婪演算可解的問題
Heap/priority queue is an important data structure. Whether it is C++'s std::priority_queue or Python's heapq, you can use it to practice this problem that can be solved using greedy algorithm.
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class Solution: def maxKelements(self, nums: List[int], k: int) -> int: heapify(pq:=[-x for x in nums]) score=0 for i in range(k): x=-heappop(pq) score+=x if x==1: score+=k-1-i break heappush(pq, -((x+2)//3)) return score