2015年9月20日 星期日
TIOBE程式語言2015年9月份排名&IEEE Spectrum 2015年的十大程式語言
Sep 2015 Sep 2014 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 2 change Java 19.565% +5.43%
2 1 change C 15.621% -1.10%
3 4 change C++ 6.782% +2.11%
4 5 change C# 4.909% +0.56%
5 8 change Python 3.664% +0.88%
6 7 change PHP 2.530% -0.59%
7 9 change JavaScript 2.342% -0.11%
8 11 change Visual Basic .NET 2.062% +0.53%
9 12 change Perl 1.899% +0.53%
10 3 change Objective-C 1.821% -8.11%
11 29 change Assembly language 1.806% +1.22%
12 13 change Ruby 1.783% +0.50%
13 15 change Delphi/Object Pascal 1.745% +0.59%
14 14 Visual Basic 1.532% +0.26%
15 17 change Pascal 1.298% +0.40%
16 18 change Swift 1.188% +0.34%
17 19 change MATLAB 1.181% +0.36%
18 20 change PL/SQL 1.082% +0.27%
19 21 change R 1.045% +0.24%
20 31 change COBOL 0.994% +0.42%
另外IEEE Spectrum 2015年的十大程式語言如下:
Language Rank Ranking
1.Java 100.0
Designed to allow the creation of programs that can run on different platforms with little or no modification, Java is a popular choice for Web applications.
2.C 99.9
C is used to write software where speed and flexibility is important, such as in embedded systems or high-performance computing.
3.C++ 99.4
Essentially a version of C with built-in support for "objects"--self-contained modules of code and data--C++ proved to be a natural fit for software driven by graphical user interfaces.
4.Python 96.5
A scripting language that is often used by software developers to add programmability to their applications, such as engineering-analysis tools or animation software.
5.C# 91.3
Created by Microsoft for developing software for the .NET framework, which supports many applications running on Windows.
6.R 84.8
Designed for programming statistical analysis and data-mining applications.
7.PHP 84.5
A scripting language primarily designed to support dynamic websites.
8.JavaScript 83.0
A scripting language used primarily to add functionality to Web browsers on the fly, allowing the creation of complex Web pages.
9.Ruby 76.2
A scripting language designed to offer greater support for objects than other such languages.
10.Matlab 72.4
A scripting language for MathWorks' Matlab computing environment, Matlab is designed for numerical computing tasks, such as engineering or scientific simulations.
張貼留言 (Atom)
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